Spinach & Walnuts Dip


Spinach & Walnuts Dip ★ほうれん草とクルミのディップ

Ingredients :

*Greek yoghurt 400g

*Baby spinach 120g

*Walnuts 50g

*Minced garlic 1/3 teaspoon

*Salt 1/2 teaspoon 


材料 :

*ギリシャヨーグルトプレーン 400g

*サラダ用ほうれん草 120g

*クルミ 50g

*ニンニクすりおろし小さじ 1/3

*塩小さじ 1/2


Spinach Walnus recipe 1.jpg

Quick boil the spinach just for 2 minutes. Crush the walnuts with a knife(keep some for the decoration) Squeeze the spinach and chop it.


Spinach Walnus recipe 2.jpg

Mix yoghurt and all ingredients in a bowl and done. The walnuts absorb the yoghurt moisture and become thicker and better on the next day.


**If you are sultana lovers, add a little and the sweetness will be added to the dip. レーズン好きな方は、レーズンを少し加えるとヨーグルトに少し甘味が増して美味しいです。

Yuka Shyegun