Middle Eastern Lentil Rice

Lentil Rice .JPG

Middle Eastern Lentil Rice ★地中海風レンズ豆ピラフ

Like most anything though, beans can be actually amazing when done right. I used to hate all the bean dishes when I was little. After getting to know the middle eastern cuisine that used beans frequently, I enjoy eating beans nowadays. This is one of my favourite bean dishes. Delicious and nutritious. High in protein, iron, fibre.


★Ingredients: 4-5 servings
*350g minced meat
*400g lentils(cooked/can)
*1 Onion chopped
*1 cup of sultanas
*1 teaspoon of turmeric
*1 teaspoon of cinnamon
*1 Tablespoon of butter
*Salt & pepper

★材料: 4〜5人分
*ひき肉 350g
*レンズ豆 1缶400g
*玉ねぎ ミジン切り1個
*レーズン 1カップ
*ターメリック パウダー 小さじ1
*シナモン パウダー 小さじ1
*バター 大さじ1

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Yuka Shyegun