Japanese Oyster Rice


Japanese Oyster Rice カキの炊き込みご飯

Ingredients : 4 -5 servings 

12 Oysters 

3 cups  Short grained rice

10g  Ginger finely julienned 

1pack  Shimeji mushroom

2 pieces  Fried bean curd


250ml water

1 teaspoon Kombudashi powder

3 Tablespoons soy sauce 

2 Tablespoons Sake

2 Tablespoons Mirin 

A pinch of salt 

1/2 teaspoon sugar 

材料:  約4〜5人分

牡蠣 12個

ごはん 3カップ

生姜 1かけ(約10g)細い千切り

シメジ 1パック

油揚げ 2枚


お水 250ml

昆布だしパウダー 小さじ1

お醤油 大さじ3

料理酒 大さじ2

みりん 大さじ2

塩 ひとつまみ

砂糖 小さじ1/2


Clean the oysters. Cut the ginger into thin strips. put the water 250ml in a pan, add all the sauce ingredients. Set the pan on medium heat and add the ginger.



Add oysters and cook for 2 minutes and remove oysters from the stock. Set a rice cooker, add rice and all the oyster stock plus some water to reach the line for 3 cups of rice. Add shimeji and fried bean curd and cook the rice. when the rice is cooked , add the oysters and done.


Yuka Shyegun