Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake


Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake 小麦粉無しガトーショコラ

Ingredients :

350g Chocolate (dark chocolate 85% cocoa 100g + milk chocolate 250g)

160g Unsalted butter

5 Eggs

2 Tablespoons brown sugar


材料 :

チョコレート350g (ダークチョコ85%ココア 100g + ミルクチョコ250g)

無塩バター 160g

卵 5個


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Melt the butter and chocolate together over a simmering pot of hot water until completely smooth.


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Remove chocolate mix from the heat and allow to cool. Beat the egg and sugar together with a hand mixer until light fluffy and almost tripled in size. Add the chocolate mix and whisk well.


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Pour the melted chocolate mix into a greased cake tin. Bake the cake in a 160 degree oven for 30 minutes.


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When the cake has cooled down, put a candle and sprinkle with icing sugar. Chill in the refrigerator for about 6 hours and it’s done.


*Heat the sliced cake in the microwave for just 10 seconds to make it even more delicious! 食べる際に切ったケーキを電子レンジで10秒間だけ温めるとフワッと軽くなって更に美味しくなります!


Yuka Shyegun