Sardine Pasta with Lemon


Sardine Pasta with Lemon ★イワシのパスタ・レモン風味
This pasta is so easy, comforting and good for you. Sardines are often called the healthiest fish and they’re certainly one of the most budget friendly. Omega-3 ✔ VitaminB-12 ✔ Protein ✔ Magnesium ✔ Calcium ✔ This pasta have all the nutrients you need and it’s delicious.

Ingredients : For 2-3 servings
* Pasta 250g
* 1 can of sardines
* 1 onion chopped
* 2-3 garlic cloves sliced
* 1 cup of mushroom sliced
* 1 cup of tomato chopped
* 1 teaspoon of fresh chilli sliced(option)
* 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice
* 1 Tablespoon of dill powder
* Olive oil, Salt & pepper
✭keep few sardines on the side for the garnish
★ 材料 約2〜3人分
* パスタ スパゲティ250g
* イワシの缶 1個
* 玉ねぎ 1個みじん切り
* ニンニク2〜3個 スライス
* マッシュルームスライス 1カップ
* トマト大きめにカット1カップ
* 唐辛子みじん切り 小さじ1(お好みで)
* レモンを絞ったジュース 1/2カップ
* ディル パウダー(無ければパセリ) 大さじ1
* オリーブオイル、塩コショウ

saedine pasta receipe 1.jpg


saedine pasta receipe 2.jpg


Yuka Shyegun